We have added some new features to Popcorn that we think you’ll love. We have highlighted them here and how to use them. An update will be available in your WP-Admin dashboard soon!

Bug Fixes
Fixed unordered list style issue
Back end and front end styling for unordered lists was inconsistent, so we have fixed the styling on both so that they match.
Fixed dashboard fatal error
When there were no posts in WordPress, the Popcorn dashboard would exhibit a fatal error. We fixed this in v2.2.0. Dashboard will now show 0 posts if there are no posts.
Fixed word count in dashboard
Word count was being inflated due to counting html tags as well. We added a filter so that the word count doesn’t do this any more.
Move author bios template part
We moved the author bios template part to the patterns directory as this makes more sense when building your sites. You can use them anywhere on your pages now.
Removed need for Gutenberg plugin
We have removed the requirement for the official Gutenberg plugin on Popcorn.
Extra features in the future will state if gutenberg is required.
Currently, the only feature that requires Gutenberg are the Table of Contents patterns supplied as part of the theme.
Added icon block styles for unordered lists
You can now choose from a selection of icons for unordered lists.

Ability to globally change header
As there are a lot of templates that ships with Popcorn, there was a need to globally change to one of the pre-defined header template parts.
We added a header container that can be applied globally and ships by default in Popcorn2.
Simply open the header container and choose what header you want in site editor.
This can be overridden on individual templates if needed.

Additional notification patterns
We have added some additional notification patterns to the pattern library.

Heading block style
There have been a selection of heading variations added to help spice things up. All colors can be set using Site Editor.

Blockquote block style
An addition of a simple alternative for Blockquote.

Icons for buttons
You can now add a selection of icons for your buttons. More icons are planned in the future. Just basic ones for now.

A cleaner table style
We have styled a better looking table for Popcorn in v2.2.0. More styles will be coming soon.

Beta testing
Beta testing items in v2.2 are;
Paragraph block variations to potentially replace alert block patterns
You can now use paragraph block variations alongside / instead of patterns. This will reduce DOM elements as we no longer need to use a group to get the desired effect. Its also easier to transform an existing paragraph to an alert / notification.

Automatically ID headings in your posts and pages. (thanks Josh!)
A great suggestion by Josh Koop – Headings can automatically have an ID added. Open popcorn Options and test for yourself. This can have an SEO benefit.

We have also conducted more testing with the latest versions of the following with no issues.
- WordPress 6.2.1
- WordPress 6.2.2
- Gutenberg 16.0.0 RC
- PHP 8.2
If you have any new suggestions or feedback – feel free to log a ticket on your account dashboard. We would love to hear them.
Good luck with your sites! 🍿
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